Geoscience Major 1 2 3 Faculty Messages from Graduates
Curriculum Syllabus Open Lectures
Institute of Geoscience

Various Fields in Geoscience

Climate Experiment (Kitoon)

Meteorology and Climatology
 Horizontal and chronological changes in the earth's atmosphere are studied by investigating the inter-relation of phenomena at large, medium, and small scales. Research covers various meteorological and climate phenomena, from the micrometeorology close to the earth's surface to atmospheric circulation.
 How are mountains, rivers, and ocean shores formed? How will they change in the future? We will investigate these questions through fieldwork and lab experiments.  
 Hydrology is the study of water circulation in the natural environment and phenomena in water bodies such as rivers, lakes, swamps, and groundwater. The results are applied to water resource development, water pollution prevention, ground settlement, and the protection of the water environment. Research focuses on the processes of precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, effusion, and water quality formation, as well as regional hydrological phenomena.
Human Geography
 The study of human geography looks at human activity, one of the many phenomena occurring on earth, from a perspective based on "region". Phenomena in agriculture, rural villages, cities, transportation, and other fields, both in Japan and abroad, are analyzed. Research covers both socio-economic and cultural activities.
Regional Geography
 Regional geography research often overlaps with the field of human geography, so there are many joint projects. However, regional geography looks more into the regional characteristics of human activities. In order to understand the transmission and rules of various phenomena, quantitative analysis methods are developed and applied, and the relationship with its environment are researched.

Fusulina Fossils (Akiyoshidai Limestone)

Historical Geology and Paleontology
Geological stratum and fossils are studied based on stratigraphic geology, looking at the paleoenvironment and structural development in the history of the Japanese archipelago. We look at fossil of Fusulina, small foraminifera, radiolarian, coral, Brachiopoda, shellfish, and trace fossil.
 Research focuses on the process of stratum formulation, the impact it has and receives, the environment surrounding the place of generation, and its reconstruction in the laboratory. This is based on the order of stratum generation, its geologic time scale, the stratum structure, and geographical distribution.
Structural Geology
 The great structures of continents and oceans and the process of their creation are investigated. Regional research and studies on geological elements such as plication and faults are conducted.

Abnormal Sedimentation in Stratum (Kushiro, Hokkaido)

Petrology and Mineralogy
 This is one of the fundamental fields in geoscience. Petrology looks at the constitution, occurrence, and composition of rocks, which form the earth's crust and mantle, and how they were created. Mineralogy looks at minerals, which are the earth's smallest and basic unit of materials, investigating the chemical composition, optical characteristics, crystal structure and constitution, development conditions and its process, and other aspects using X-ray, spectroscopy, chemical analysis, and microscopes of varying scales.


Natural Resources and Geoscience
 Metal and non-metal resources used by humankind are investigated to understand how they were created in the history of the earth, and how its use can impact the environment, chiefly through geo-chemistry analysis.

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